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Co-Curricular Programme

What is a co-curricular programme?

A programme consisting of enriching opportunities outside the normal curriculum (class time), which complements, the curriculum, such as:

  • trips

  • visits

  • co-curricular clubs

  • sports

  • school productions 

  • instrumental lessons

  • learner voice & fundraising

  • other “one off” opportunities such as Careers Week

Why is a co-curricular programme important?
  • Discover and develop learners' talents and interests

  • Broadens learners' horizon

  • Supports mental and physical health

  • Develops learners' character, improving their confidence, resilience, and independence, for example.  

  • Deepens learners' understanding, or knowledge or skills learnt in the classroom. 

  • Prepares learners for the next stage of life, and education.


What co-curricular clubs are available this term?

Below are links to the co-curricular timetable for Autumn/Winter 2023-24 as well as a brochure summarising the activities that are available. There are posters around the school advertising the clubs which are available.

  • Signing up for clubs is by Google Forms which will be sent home to parents and carers.
  • Most clubs are open to all learner. However, they may need to check if you are in the correct year group for particular clubs.
  • Learners must also ask their parents/carers for permission to attend an after-school club and let them know the time they will arrive home afterwards.
  • Most clubs finish at 4:15pm.