Fund Raising - Harrow High Supports Harrow Food Bank

The pandemic has brought many challenges this year, none more so than the significant economic and financial impact this has had on many families in our community. There are always so many worthwhile causes to support, but this year Harrow High have chosen to support the Harrow Food Bank over the festive period. It was wonderful to see the whole school work together to make this year’s charitable collection another success.
The idea started with 2 year 9 learners designing the poster to promote and inform learners and staff of the collection. The Head of Events in Year 11 recorded a video to be played in assemblies and the Year 11 prefects began collecting donations at the school gates every morning, with the help of the Year 9 Cadets and Sixth Formers who also went shopping to top up supplies. Everyone worked together to pack and deliver the donations.
Munib Selloni a year 8 learner who donated said “It’s important to donate and give people who are less fortunate than ourselves. It feels good to be able help”.
Basanta Kandap, Head Boy said “The prefects stood at the gate to collect the donations. During this time, everybody is busy living their lives, but the way we have worked together shows we have the heart!”.
Cheyenne Mbonzi, Sixth Former said “Donating to charity is important because it raises people's morale and gives something back to the community. Seeing the school work together unites us as a family at Harrow High.
We are extremely proud of everyone at Harrow High School for giving their time and generous donations with a special Ms Bowen and her team for organising the event.