Current Year 7 parents/carers are invited to meet their form tutors on Tuesday 17 September 2024.
There will be information about the year ahead as well as details about school protocols.
The event starts at 5:00pm in the school hall.
This is an important event - all parents/carers are expected to attend.
Recruitment to our very successful Sixth Form is brisk.
Learners wishing to apply to Harrow High School for A-level or BTEC study are encouraged to do so as soon as possible.
Queries about Harrow High School Sixth Form should be directed to
More details of results are available on our social media channels
All Day
All Day
All Day
6:30pm – 8:00pm
All Day
All Day
9:15am – 10:15am
All Day
9:15am – 10:15am
All Day
All Day
All Day
All Day
All Day
All Day
All Day
The transition to high school is never easy (especially for us parents) but my daughter has settled in well and has made new friends. I have found the teachers approachable and they have encouraged and supported my daughter. Most importantly the school cares about their students. (Year 7 Parent)
Following a brilliant transition, my daughter soon settled in and felt happy to go to school every day. The pastoral care is outstanding and Mr Gamble is extremely focused on providing the very best opportunities for young learners and leads a wonderful team who are passionate, dedicated and clearly committed to the school’s vision of delivering “excellence for all”. (Year 8 Parent)
Thank you to Harrow High for all the support and encouragement given to my daughter throughout the years she studied in the school. This allowed her to have an amazing academic journey as well as make some amazing memories. Thank you for always taking care of her and believing that she was able to be successful. (Parent)
I am very grateful that I had an opportunity to study at Harrow High as without the school, my academic successes would not have been possible. (Learner)